Happy 23rd Birthday la..Not gonna write lots of stuff here butt, the more i allocate words here, the more i'm gonna waste the space here in my blog..wahahaha...
haiyah,we're lam zi hon(canto) ma, no need to say so much words to each other one ma rite?
Haiyo, another 2.5 years to go, gonna live together somemore, aiyo, tell me if its never too late to say those touching words for u for ur birthday rite?In S'ban, i say to u till u vomit la..
Lou *tuuut* lor..predispose to osteoporosis, CVS problem,impaired memory cognitive skills, immobility, incontinence, many more but on top of all is IMPOTENCE la..faster find one other half for urself before u got impotence which is jus a stone throw away in time reaching for u..wahahaha
"May the BLESSINGS charms around u throughout the year and May the HAPPINESS comes running wildly to u, and hope everything u wish for this year wil jus turn out in a 'puffff' for u la...
hehe... I knoe u gonna like this pic i posted below here..kekeke
so many of u...had a great night?how's the food there?nice le~ haha...his posture..erm..kinda weird..imitating gorilla? hahaha..shhhh... keke ^_*
sob sob...wish i was there :(
yea yea, u r jus tat smart lemon tree but not smart enuf,keke..he's trying to be a gorilla, but the highlight wil be as the gorilla buttock, the word 'buttock' mus be there sticking on him for life..lol...who r u lemon tree btw?kekeke...
Henry...haiyo..i go over to ur vista B house, keep on ringing the doorbell for u, u didn answer also..call u, u also didn hear me..ahaha...
anyway liang...really wish u were there le..really..
wahhh big party!
Hey deb!
Thanx for droping by my blog ya...=)
buttock is 23 already?! old old old.. tsk tsk tsk =)
haha...Feng go..thanx for droping by also..
Yea..he's a lou *tooooot* ady la...ahaha..
wa.. i came abit late.. u all talked bad abt me! ish... wat old.. buttock= koay yeang wee, nothing to do with me:p i m not old.. i just stepped into my golden age! haha... u stupid buttock.. lemon tree also u dare not to know who is tat? go cubit him la lemon tree.. as hard as u can:P
hng!! u both butt didn't know who am I!! ~~~sad~~~sob sob~~~
Eh eh...i knoe lemon tree wil not cubit me one...
Lemon tree!cannot learn bad to cubit me...u cubit buttock, nvm.but cannot cubit me one..
Cannot cannot cannot!
don learn bad..
Whole world also knoe tat u stupid buttock is bad one ma...ahaha..So, its normal to talk bad bout u lor..hehe
have u been to mine? leave a message! (:
oi... you also so free ah... nowadays everyone also nothing to do then go and start blog...
Mohd, we all a bit too free lah. Must blog =)
but then hor~ buttock=wee wee=coconut,u ask me go cubit buttock=cubit wee wee=cubit coconut hahaha :p
Hoooray!Muhamadou Yong!U r the first Malay guy to post a comment on my blog...Its my greatest honour!!!!hehe...clap clap....
Nope nope..lemon tree..i think u shud go for some revision on ur maths algebra equation during this break...coconut not same one..buttock= coconut...nothing to do wit Wee Wee one..Wee Wee=angel..yes yes...~
LOL muhamodou yong!
funny :D
yea..someone's angel but not mine ma...haha:p
Debbie..wat's so funny of ppl's name ah?It is his name ma..we cannot laugh at ppl's name one..kekeke
Lemon tree..Wee Wee=angel ..tat's a universally recognition de..So yea u r rite, i'm not anyone de.hehehe
Ah..no worries lemon tree..
Stuff urself wit Metoclopramide, courtesy of buttock who reminded me this drug..haha...
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