Sunday, May 27, 2007

Convo Day

Everyone..~this is it..Gold medal la..Congrats Hau Chun!

Bunch of sam pat kias..finally completed phase 1..Wohoo~

Yesterday was sort of something meaningful in my life. Something tat had crosses my mind before but seems to be quite unachievable to attend tat function when I was stil in Sem5. Yea, it was our IMU convocation addressing the end of the first phase after completing 2.5 years in Bukit Jalil for our medical sciences programme before pursuing our dreams in Seremban Hospital. Indeed, it was somehow a tiny lurid moments to be able to go on top of the stage to receive the certificate from the Chancellor. Earlier, during sem5 it was jus a mere hope tat I would be even walking along tat red aisle,,very mere.. Flashing back at those memories bac during my Bukit Jalil, I knew I was far too deviated of my focus to my studies. The grim tat I’ve undisputedly juggled during tat time was indeed coz of my own settings of priority towards my studies. It would be different if I’m more stern on my main priority. Anyway, luckily during the end of my sem5 I am able to pick up again, which hammered me through tat semester putting myself on tat occasion yesterday. Of course, I will not let those histories to be repeated again.
I was indeed much inspired by the speech of the student representative’s speech who had fulfilled his dreams tat day. It gives me more assurance of the pace tat I’m taking on this route, is gonna be a long long one. There’s stil more sweat n tears tat I need to shed before I would be able to stand up like him one day. Besides, it had emulated me to regain my self confidence much more. I was happie for everyone tat day. On top of tat,I was much more enamoured by the news tat my housemate is the Gold Medalist of our batch. This would had prodded me to even emulate more on my hope to achieve more.
Congrats Hau Chun!!!Morever, our batch M204 tat created another history in IMU of the highest Dean list, of 74 in total where all this while its jus a mere 10-15 in numbers of the dean list students in other batches. I was really glad to be in this batch…~We are jus too good~
Albeit, the journey is stil long n the progress tat needed to developed is still a surmountable high, I would hope tat I’ll be blessed wit more determination n perseverance. Like wat I heard tat day during the speech, quoted by the father of medicine, Hippocrates “Cure sometimes,Treat often,Comfort always…” had blossomed my interest in medicine for more…

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day.

"Of all the people in this world there's only 2 person tat wil not ever harm u...One is ur dad and one is me". I was 18 when she first started to say this to me. Maybe the brashing age n my mindset tat time had drowned away my rationality. I never listen to those philosophies..Never. On top of tat, i was always the opposition under the same roof in tat house. Though i knoe something which is not beneficial to me, but stil i'll do it jus for the sake of satisfying myself looking at them so 'sakit hati' especially her..rebellious huh?..Looking back now as age had caught up in me, I was undisputely naive and immature. I owed her for life..
She was there the 1st second when she brought me into life wit all her might bearing the world's toughest pain. Ady there i owed her lots, stil i was always hating her whenever she caned me n hit me during my younger days. The pain tat she beared was really no match for those cutaneous pain tat i had from her, not to mention her inner pain everytime she caned me n kicked me only for my own good sake.
Of all gal in this world, she is the one tat understood me the most. Yes, this is very true..i dunno why n how come she had such a capability..i surrendered n humbled to her prowess to do so..She understood my demands despite most of the time i denied her acumen. She raised me up well...very well indeed , despite i mourned always bout her child upbringing ways which is being too dictated. How wrong i was, always thinking tat the grass is always greener than the other side. I was here being who am I so far, partly becoz of her.
I knoe all this while, i had hurted her most compared to my other 2 brothers, but i shall not apologize to her, for i've been forgiven by her everytime i hurted her unaware. I knoe i will never be able to fill bac the love potion tat she had poured to me all this while. N i realised too tat she had never ask anything in return from me..All she wans is to raise me up achieving happiness and reaching for greater heights for my own good sake.
I'll always remain the same and wil thrive for the best.
For today, being the World's Mothers Day, i would like to wish u Happie Mother's Day and Thanx for everything. Things will never be the same without u...

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Wow..My blog has been halted for quite sometime. Been feeling myself so stuffed n packed though i had finshed my posting a week earlier. Maybe the laziness had ady come to play recently. hehe.. Anyway, things are fine and busy as usual. Rite now, its ady the 8th week i'm in Seremban, really fast. Jus a glimpse and its ady 2 months i'm here in Seremban. Been adapting myself well here in this small community and not forgetting to mention the bulky workload here. Well, this is my week for my new posting -Surgery. As they say, surgery is the posting on its own world. A world with its own arrogance and flamboyant composure. One would jus has to judge the surgeons wit the 'MR' address in front of their name to knoe wat i'm really talking about.
Tat first day itself, on monday i was so lucky to be able to observe a surgery done in the OT during my on call which lasted for nrealy 3 hours. It was an appendictomy with complications which normally took bout half an hour to finish the job. It was a perforated one which causes multiple inflammation around the right lower tummy. There's 2 surgeons who's in charge n for tat 3 hours they stood there busy performing their virtuoso play. They are jus so cool man...! The assisting nurses and the anesthetist were changing wit their own counterparts along tat 3 hours but its the surgeons tat were standing for 3 hours with full attention nad coolness..
I od really admire them.. It lasted till around 12 mid and it was a successful one.
I was much inspired by this and it really buried me wit a new hope of becoming one of them one day..