Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Wow..My blog has been halted for quite sometime. Been feeling myself so stuffed n packed though i had finshed my posting a week earlier. Maybe the laziness had ady come to play recently. hehe.. Anyway, things are fine and busy as usual. Rite now, its ady the 8th week i'm in Seremban, really fast. Jus a glimpse and its ady 2 months i'm here in Seremban. Been adapting myself well here in this small community and not forgetting to mention the bulky workload here. Well, this is my week for my new posting -Surgery. As they say, surgery is the posting on its own world. A world with its own arrogance and flamboyant composure. One would jus has to judge the surgeons wit the 'MR' address in front of their name to knoe wat i'm really talking about.
Tat first day itself, on monday i was so lucky to be able to observe a surgery done in the OT during my on call which lasted for nrealy 3 hours. It was an appendictomy with complications which normally took bout half an hour to finish the job. It was a perforated one which causes multiple inflammation around the right lower tummy. There's 2 surgeons who's in charge n for tat 3 hours they stood there busy performing their virtuoso play. They are jus so cool man...! The assisting nurses and the anesthetist were changing wit their own counterparts along tat 3 hours but its the surgeons tat were standing for 3 hours with full attention nad coolness..
I od really admire them.. It lasted till around 12 mid and it was a successful one.
I was much inspired by this and it really buried me wit a new hope of becoming one of them one day..

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