Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Land of Hornbills-Miri

A sensational dramatic sunset in Miri

Miri..Phwoar!!!Miri's jus so cool. Miri is jus beyond my expectation. They hav tall buildings, 30-40 storeys tall, they hav buses, KFC, MCD, Pizza Hut n even Coffee Bean!!!
We pooled 2 nites at Sing Yee's place. For tat 3 days 2 nites, Sing Yee brought us to scout around the Miri City, Crocodile Farm, and also the majestic Niah cave..
Thanx so much for Sing Yee's family hospitality n not forgetting her bro who's kind enuf to take a day off jus to drive jus n join us for the Niah Cave expidition..
A biggest taoist temple in Miri

Bird tat talks a lot
A daring attempt...kekeke

The first ever oil rig in Msia

The majestic Niah Cave -One of the biggest cave in the world


HeNrY said...

Miri is nice..kch is nice too..hope u had fun :)
yen...u've been tagged :D visit my blog for more info

yenwee said...

Haha..Yea kuching is nice!
i knoe la...tat tagging stuff...aiyoyo..
u buttock..miri really develope ma.i dunno ma..wa..u KK very develope meh?Come KL la..i bring u go Sri Petaling...see u all got shopping complex as big as indah parade or not..kekeke